Best case bike advertising:
Amiva conquers Münster
Our Best Case Bike Advertising shows you impressively how you as an advertising customer can achieve maximum attention for your campaign. Just like our client Amiva, who had an XXL bike from Ad-Wheels ride across Münster every day over a period of two weeks.
In order to exploit the maximum potential for our client, we adapted our sample route for the city of Münster to the campaign objectives and target group
With great success: Amiva achieved a great deal of attention for its young and sustainable mobile communications brand with the environmentally friendly advertising medium.

Information about the campaign
Date: 04/02 – 04/14/2014
Location: Münster
Bike campaign with the XXL bike from Ad-Wheels to promote a sustainable cell phone tariff.
The aim of the campaign:
To generate as much attention as possible for the young mobile phone brand Amiva.
About Amiva – a company of STROTH Telecom GmbH:
Amiva offers sustainable cell phone tariffs in the reliable D-network. In addition
all tariffs include a monthly donation for socio-ecological projects.
More green in everyday life for everyone!
“It was definitely a success – on the street you could already see how the XXL
Verena Castelluccio, Senior Marketing Manager
advertising bike attracted attention. Extraordinary,
always on the move and where somethings going on.
The collaboration and communication during the
implementation of the campaign were excellent – we
felt that we were in good hands and well informed.”

Would you like to find out more about the possibilities of bike advertising? Then simply contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Impressions of our best case bike advertising from Amiva
You are also welcome to visit our page Example route – bike advertising in Münster to get an impression of what your campaign could look like on site.